January 16, 2014

Frozen Dawn in The Legion of Tchort #13 CD Compilation

Frozen Dawn is taking part of the Legion of Tchort #13 CD Compilation with the song "The Order of The Wintermoon" extracted from the band's first full lenght "The Old Prophecy Of Winterland"

Here is the complete tracklist:

1. Succubus - The Damned Underworld (Germany) (4:21)
2. Frozen Dawn - The Order of The Wintermoon (Spain) (3:32)
3. Crepusculo Dos Idolos - XV. Diabo (Brazil) (3:40)
4. Adokhsiny - Triumph Of Bestial Desekrator (South Korea) (3:19)
5. Northern Tod - Seventh Month (Italy) (3:43)
6. Sodamned - Hope (Brazil) (2:01)
7. Infernal Execrator - Massacre of the Evangelists (Singapure) (3:15)
8. Sirannon - Children of the Wolves (Turkey) (3:09)
9. Bode Preto - Children Of Suicide (Brazil) (2:41)
10.TrollfasthearT - Night Errant Creature (Spain) (5:09)
11. Red Front - Memories of War (Brazil) (3:14)

 12. Nathorg - Sadistic God (Iran) (5:46)
13. Khephra - My Black World (Italy) (3:55)
15. Syphor - God Fearing Lunatic (Irland) (3:49)
16. Black Vulture - A World Between the Afterlife (Malta/Usa/Holland) (4:32)
17. Terrorstorm - As if Absolved of your Cruelties (Brazil) (4:01)
18. Anachronaeon - The Message (Sweden) (3:37)
19. Nocturnal Damnation - Satanic War Metal (South Korea) (3:20)
20. Gestos Grosseiros - Predator of Soul (Brazil) (3:25)
21. Druid Lord - B
aron Blood (Usa) (3:14)

Additional info here: http://thelegionoftchortzine.blogspot.com.es/ 

Other labels have released this compilation such as: 

 Tape format with new cover art. Old School Style.